
test, test, test 1.

Test post.
This is a test. This is only a test.
And hopefully I will get this deleted before anyone has read it and thinks... hmph. Nevermind.



AshleyC said...

So, I think I'm going to leave this post up here. I think blogger has a great idea by allowing us to email our posts. In all likelyhood this is not a new feature, but it is new to me and I think I like it. My husband posts via email and thinks it's lovely. How about you? Do you write your posts via email, or some hi-tech way I have yet to discover.

It's all pretty hi-tech and new to me. It's a big, big blog world out there.

John B. said...

I think that posting via e-mail is a relatively new feature, at least for Blogger. I don't use it, though, because I post from home; at school I'm (officially) doing School Things, and time and opportunity rarely present themselves for posting in any case when I'm away from home.

Good luck with finals.

Janette said...

Umm how do you post via email? I always log into blogger and hit "new post" haha :)

John B. said...

All right. A month and almost a week and two major holidays have passed. School is about to resume for you. When in this time-space continuum might you deign to toss a bon-bon of a post in the direction of your legions of readers?

(Thanks for commenting at my blog, by the way.)

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys too!!!