
the first issue with christmas

Every year I contemplate the Christmas card issue. Every year I cannot decide what/if/when/to whom we should send a Christmas card. I have moments where I want EVERYONE to get one. But then I think about how impersonal that often ends up being. I just sign our name at the bottom of a card. "Gee Thanks" I imagine the recipient saying under their breath. Jon's a pretty big fan of Christmas letters. I understand his enthusiasm, but he's not the one that's going to write it. I've spent all too many years editing my parents' and grandparents' letters and refuse to write the kind of letter they wrote. I understand that it's important to be thankful for your health as you age, but I'm not going to write about gall stones or my labor process in a Christmas letter. There are a few clever, and somewhat witty letters I've come across over the years. The ones that stick to the basics are fine... I just envision something more. And, at the same time, I realize that some years they may be more interesting than others.

Along those same lines, do I need to send the letter to everyone that I send a card? Some people will already know everything that I include in the letter... or at least I think they do! So this is my first Christmas complex.

I'd like to write a corny letter like the SNL bit from the cat--- and then from the dead cat. But I'm not sure everyone would get it. (Clip thanks to cat sitter in the city!)

At least this year I could promote my blog and the new up and coming family blog over at callstromfamily.blogspot.com


Janette said...

Hmm so now I have to wonder what you think of OUR family Christmas letter each year? LOL!! I agree with you that it's a constant battle, however, even with me. Who to send to, who not to, etc? I send so many mainly because that is my only contact with some during the course of the year. Also, often times, those people who I send one too will reciprocate with their card/letter/picture and I love to get them from everyone! I agree this year was the hardest for me...as the beginning of my letter states...because of Facebook! I have many on FB...and yet when I sat and looked at my list, I still had tons who were not on FB and I still had no contact with them this past year. Not sure if that makes sense or not...but that's my reasoning for why I send them out each year and why I continue to send so many. Yes, every year there are some that I do drop off the list...but there are always that many that I add so it's a wash in the end! :)

AshleyC said...

lol. I love knowing I'll get one from you... and love that this year you had the very obvious challenge of knowing how to handle it! AND... since you get yours out so early it's so easy to make sure we send you one as well!

On Thanksgiving, I even thought to myself... I know what Janette's doing today... putting her Christmas cards in the mail. You're awesome, and like I said, there's NOTHING wrong with sticking to a basic, friendly letter!!!